Sunday, May 22, 2011

Justin's Photoblog 001

From Drop Box

Justin: "I thought this picture of Haydee was cute. I like taking pictures."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eating with the family

Whenever we eat, Ryan wants to eat. We picked up some Graduates snacks to give him while we eat dinner. If we don't hand them over fast enough, he starts yelling "maamaaamaamaamaa!" At this point, he usually smells like them.

Justin is almost fully potty trained. He even closes the door some of the time.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Well baby visit

OK, it's been a while since I updated. Here's what's new:

Ryan went to his 2 month well baby visit and everything was fine. His stats at that time were: Height 24.25" (97%), Weight 12lbs 14oz (84%), and Head size 15.9" (84%). All in all, he's tall and well proportioned. He looks more like a baby than Justin because his head is proportionately bigger than Justin's was.

Over the last week or two he's started to belly laugh when I'm changing his diaper and I play with him. He's a very happy baby.

Justin still loves to interact with Ryan, to the point of getting in trouble for disrupting feeding time or diaper changes. He always wants to sit next to him or give him hugs.

Today, after sitting with Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy all morning with no break he totally lost it. He started crying harder than when he gets his shots. I wrapped him up, rocked him for a few minutes, and laid him in his crib with the lights off and no music or anything playing and he dropped off to sleep. I think he was suffering from information overload.

I've uploaded 19 new pictures to the gallery.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


A little while ago we had the worst blow out that Jenny or I have ever seen. Ryan had yellow muck from his groin, all the way around to about one inch below his neck. We just laid him in the bathtub.

Monday, February 22, 2010

One Month Checkup

We took Ryan to his one month physical today. All systems are nominal. His stats are as follows: Height 22.2in. (85%), Weight 10.6lbs. (66%), Head 38.5in. (63%). So he's a slightly larger than average baby. He may be tall. He had one injection, which he did not enjoy, but he calmed down quickly and went to sleep in his carrier.

On Saturday we took the family to the Museum of Science and Industry, and then to Perkin's for lunch. This trip was Ryan's first museum and first restaurant experience. He mostly slept. Justin was more appreciative, probably because he had pancakes with sprinkles for lunch and got to drink some of daddy's milkshake.

Ryan is getting much more aware of his surroundings and is starting to smile every once in a while, especially after feeding time. We're trying to get a good picture of a smile to post. Speaking of pictures, I've downloaded the latest batch out of the camera and will get them posted by tomorrow at the latest.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Pacifier time

We introduced Ryan to a pacifier two nights ago. It has been a tremendous help in getting him to fall asleep. Last night was the first time that he wasn't awake for a two hour stretch in the middle of the night. That meant that he was waking up to eat every two to three hours, but maybe now his day/night rhythm can start to sync up.

He spent a long time with his arm loose today. It was good practice for him and the pacifier helps him to not get upset when he looses control of himself.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

OK! OK! Pictures are up. Jeez.

OK sports fans. There are 23 new pictures posted under the "Marx Family Album 2010" link on your right.

Two years...TWO... YEARS...

According to sources close to Jenny, there is a distinct lack of news and information about Ryan being posted. Commence with the blogging!

Ryan is doing great. He has had his two week well baby check-up and all systems are nominal. He's gaining weight (8 lbs. 4 oz. now), and his head is less tiny than Justin's was (64 percentile). His circumcision is healing extremely well, and quickly. In general he's a very low key baby, taking different stimuli in stride and complaining very little. He will readily be comforted by the five S's (here's where I put in another plug for Dr. Karp-If you don't have the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" you should go buy it if you have or will have any contact with infants). The biggest challenge so far, is that from about midnight to two in the morning, he requires all five S's the whole time, and he's wide awake. We have no idea why he's so awake at this time, but there it is. In the grand scheme of things, these are the kind of problems that I want to have; minor. Ryan loves to be held so we've been getting a lot of use out of our new baby sling. He's in it now as I type this.

Justin is adjusting beautifully to his new role as big brother. He usually helps us with changing Ryan's diaper by handing us clean diapers and ointment, and he is always saying "I like my new baby." When Ryan is upset and crying because he is hungry or needs a diaper change, Justin will ask if Ryan is sad and what we can do to make him happy. Also, when hugging, kissing, or otherwise touching Ryan, Justin is very gentle with him. Sometimes when Justin is hyper he wants to flop around on the bed or couch next to Jenny while she is nursing, but other than that it's been almost totally positive.

I hope this reaches some of you out there looking for more news. I'll try to be back on top of updating the blog.

For those of you who are asking for pictures, they will be forthcoming. I need to transfer them from the camera, and I don't have time to do it at the moment; maybe by tonight.